1. resolution
What is your main New Year’s resolution for 2012?
Ø Do you make New Year’s resolutions each year? Are they overly optimistic?
Ø Do you have anything at home that is gathering dust?
Ø Did you experience any 'excesses' in 2011?
Ø Why do you think people are now focusing so much on financial goals?
2. name
Do you like your name?
Ø Has the popularity of names in your country changed over the years? Which names are now seen as
old fashioned?
Ø Have many names in your country stood the test of time?
Ø Do you think that we make assumptions about people based on their names?
Ø [If you have children] How did you choose your children's names?
Ø Does your name have a meaning?
Ø Do you have a middle name? If not, would you like one?
Ø What name would you like if you were not a man / woman?
Ø Do you think parents should be allowed to give their children unusual names?
Ø How easy is it to change your name?
Ø Do married couples have to share the same surname? What do you think of this