test13 archaeology
The lecturer argues that the future for archaeology in England is bright due to new heritage laws. These laws are helping to solve the problems mentioned in the reading passage. To begin, the lecturer argues that companies will no longer destroy archaeological sites. This is because they wil...
경제 - 경제발달에 큰기여, 사람들을 더 잘 살게 하다.
이유 - 경제발달에 더 큰 기여 or 사람들을 더 잘 살게했다. 설명 - A발명과 함께 많은 사업이 생김 -> 대기업만듬 -> 이런걍향은 많은 일자리 창출 증거 - 노동부 , 일자리가 기하 급수적으로 증가 , 중산층의 출현으로 지출증가 -> 경제에 결정적역할 In addition, ***** has made a big contribution to promoting the economic growth. This is attributed to the fact that with the invention of cars, many new busine...
[TEMP] A건강에좋다B건강에안좋다, 빡센거 덜빡센거 ex 숙제 매일 조앙? 돈많은게 조아?
이유: A건강에조아 B안조아 설명: A스트레스프리 B스트레스받음 스트레스 -> 면역약화 -> 질병야기 근거: 서울대 쥐실험 시리즈 전기충격 -> 이것과 주기적스트레스받는 사람과의관계를 알아냄 To begin with, AAAA allows people to stay healthy. This is attributed to the fact that **money** guarantees a stress-free life, while BBBB can stress people out by making them worr...
[TEMP] 일효율, 학업성취도, 더 열심히 한다
리더, 학교, 직장 / 조건 : 격려, 돈, 믿음, 경쟁, 책임감, 소속감 To begin with, **** can play a significant role in encouraging students to perform with more enthusiasm. This is attributed to the fact that **** can serve as one of the key motivators for them to perform better and to improve themselves. With such motivation, the...
[TEMP] 스트레스 관리, 안전하게 자라기
기분전환할수있는것, 여행, 식사, 영화, 운동 이유 : 스트레스 잘다룸, 스트레스낮춤,안전하게자람,삶의질up 근거 : ****이 스트레스 잊음, 분노배출용 안전밸브역할 증거 : 관련활동 하면 만족도높다, 안하면 나쁜방법으로 스트레스품 In addition, **** enables people to learn to deal with stress. This is attributed to the fact that **** can distract people from worries and stress. Therefore, this simp...
Nowadays people put too much emphasis on personal appearance and fashion
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays people put too much emphasis on personal appearance and fashion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Sadly in a hectic society, people's doing so fast that we could not help but judge people at a flash time. In this...
Oct 17, 2012
by Anonymous
[E] When people move to new countries, they should follow the customs there.
When people move to new countries, they should follow the customs there. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. In this age of globalization, many people immigrate from country to country. As the old saying goes, In the Rome, do as the Romans do. In other wo...
[E] Human activities have enhanced and improved the Earth
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Human activities have enhanced and improved the Earth. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. It seems obvious that human activity has made the Earth more convenient place for human habitation. People have electricity, au...
[E] Zoos serve no practical function.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Zoos serve no practical function. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. Today governments around world have spent a fortune developing zoological park. I fully support this idea. This is because Zoos are an important part...
[E] Financial loans between friends can harm or damage the friendship.
Financial loans between friends can harm or damage the friendship. An ongoing debate exists over whether loans can harm friendship. Regarding this question, I totally support the saying "He lends the money and lose a friend". This is because pursuit of money can make people disregard f...
[E] Eating homemade food is better than eating out at restaurants or food stands.
Eating homemade food is better than eating out at restaurants or food stands. These days a growing number of people prefer to eat out at food stands and restaurant due to its convenience. However, for me, homemade food is better than eating out. This is because homemade food is healthy, and is catalys...
[E] Games can teach us valuable lessons about life.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games can teach us valuable lessons about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. The One (thing) I'm sure of is that a game has the curious effect of relaxing and exciting people.In this respect, I think game has a deep pur...
Aug 23, 2010
by Anonymous
Reading books about real events or people is more beneficial than reading fictional stories and novels.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading books about real events or people is more beneficial than reading fictional stories and novels. Use specific and details to support your answer. Even though some say a book about real events is beneficial, and after graduation high sch...
The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong.
Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Some people say that people have to make decisions car...
People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. Whenever I walk down street, I can see the skyscrapers. I think this is by-products of be...
Jul 25, 2010
by Anonymous
Mobile phones have given people more freedom.
In a high-tech society, it seems that cell phone is thought of means by exercising freedom. However, I don't agree with this because, no matter what I'm doing, it is possible for me to be disturbed by those who expect me to answer in any time, and by noise in public place. To begin with, Generally speakin...
Jul 25, 2010
by Anonymous
Essay Organization, Sentence Structure & Grammar
Essay Organization 서론도입과 댖주제문이 모두 명시되어 있는가?문제 유형에 적절한 대답과 입장을 보여주고 있는가? 본론각 단락은 소주제문으로 시작하고 있는가?소주제문은 서론의 주제를 뒷받침하고 있는가?소주제문을 뒷받침하는 구체적 근거가 충분한가?소주제문에서 벗어난 구체적 근거는 없는가?다양한 표현과 연결어가 사용되고 있는가? 결론요약/정리가 대주제문을 반영하고 있는가?본론과의 통일성이 지켜지는가? Sentence Structure & Grammar 문장에 주어와 동사가 포함되어 있는가?주어와 동사의 수가 일치하는...
Jul 25, 2010
by Anonymous
Nowadays people put too much emphasis on personal appearance and fashion.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays people put too much emphasis on personal appearance and fashion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Sadly in a hectic society, people's doing so fast that we could not help but judge people at a flash time. In this...
Jul 21, 2010
by Anonymous
In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon.
In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay. 첨삭받기전.... It is often said that people are living longer than before. There are various reasons that support this statement. In my personal experience, we are li...
The news media is a reliable source of unbiased information.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The news media is a reliable source of unbiased information. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 첨삭받기전 There is a lot of controversy whether the media is trustworthy. Many people believe that people read the newspaper and w...
Exams encourage students to learn.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Exams encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 첨삭받기전 Nowadays some people say that it is useless to test exams because they might not measure the true ability of students so well, and encourage stu...